Morrisons Foundation

We were delighted to be chosen as one of the charities to receive a grant from the Morrisons Foundation. The Foundation offers grants to registered charities making a positive difference in local communities.

The money received will be used to purchase white goods and flooring for the families we support.

A recent report uncovered the vast scale of furniture poverty across the country, a staggering number of people are living without the essential furniture items such as a cooker, a fridge or a bed.

A huge thank you to Morrisons for their donations which will make a huge difference to the families who are starting out on their new life journey after escaping domestic.

Co-op Charity Payout

We were delighted to be chosen as one of the charities to participate in the Co-Op Community Fund.

A Big THANK YOU to all the Co-op Member who chose us as their preferred charity resulting in New Life Domestic receiving a total of £4879.16 in donations.

£1697.58 was sent to us in Feb this year with the balance of £3181.58 received this month.


A Busy Start to 2025

January was a busy period for the charity with 7 new cases referred to us. All our volunteers and supporters rallied together to collect all the necessary furniture and sundries needed by these families and we were able to quickly make these families new accommodate become a new comfortable home.

Case No. 6

Annual General Meeting

We are holding our Annual General Meeting on the 17th February.

This again will be at the Master Builder at 7.00 and the general public is invited.

There will be a Buffet so please if you want to attend please let us know so that the catering can be arranged.

Thank you.

Funding From Masonic Charitable Foundation

I’m pleased to tell you all that we have received an amount of £4000 from the Masonic Charitable .This is to assist us with our work. The good news doesn’t stop there we will receive this amount again in October 2025 and then again in 2026. Total of £12000. Although obviously we have to keep a record on what we spend this on we are not restricted to any particular items. It will be very helpful in our work to help families.

Busy Month of June

We have a very busy month, a total of nine families supported. Huge thanks to our volunteers and supporters who helped us source items in a very short period. Lovely to see the kids in these families settle in to their new homes.

Three Families Supported In July

The sun may be out but our volunteers were busy loading up the van to delivery essential items to the three families we supported this month. Its such a joy to see the smiles on peoples faces when they see their new accommodation become a home.

Three Families Supported in August

When families move into their new home its an empty box and that can have be harmful physically, emotionally, socially and financially especially if you have children. That is where we can help by providing the essentials in terms of furniture, cooking, washing and storing food.

Our New Storage

We were delighted when this storage facility came up for rent. Its small but it suits our purposes. We will be transferring all the furniture in within the next week. These photos show different stages following items being moved to it.

We are all so pleased.