What is a New Life Domestic membership?
Simply put, it is a way for us to generate a reliable regular income, while giving our members a voice in decisions being made about the running of the organisation.
Why do we offer memberships?
Every organisation has bills to pay, and we are no different. To be able to pay these bills, and plan future budgets for work, we need to have a reliable regular income that we can predict.
Do the Trustees take a cut?
No, none of our trustees or volunteers get any goods or money as payment for anything other than reasonable expenses, such as fuel, or refunds for items purchased for a client
So all the money is used for overheads and work?
Yes, 100% of your membership fee will pay for our ongoing work, rental of storage facilities, and associated costs (such as utilities)
What do members get in return?
We give every single member a vote in all big decisions that shape the way we operate as an organisation, as well as a discount (% depends on membership level) on all goods they purchase from the shop on this site, and regular updates on the work we are doing, including financial updates.
Who can be a member?
Anyone can become a member, as long as they are over the age of 18
What if my Situation changes?
We know that life is prone to little surprises, some good, some bad, and for this reason you are able to either upgrade your membership, if you feel you are able to contribute a little more, or cancel it entirely (from the end of the current payment tern), if you feel its all getting too much.
If I cancel, can I get a refund?
No, your membership fee is considered a charitable donation, and as such it would be illegal for us to provide any form of refund.
How much is it? & where can I sign up?
We have a number of different packages for you to choose from, starting at just £5 per month, for full details, click HERE