
* Message to Our Members *

As you know we have started an Auction Site to help us raise funds on our ‘Just Giving Page’ which will eventually enable us to aquire a Storage Facility and in the meantime help towards Rehoming our Clients with moving costs etc.
We have asked in the past if anyone would take offence to us selling some of the Items that we have been Donated but we want to Check again to make sure that everyone has seen the post. Because if you have Donated to us and don’t want these items sold please let us know so we don’t use your items.
We value all our members and indeed we couldn’t run New Life without your generosity so the last thing we want to do is upset any of you.
We just feel that the items we cannot use in Rehoming our Clients would be better off being used to raise funds that will benefit everyone. Such as Glass Trinket Boxes and a like, but as I’ve said please message me if you are apposed to this and we will not use your items, all your comments will be Confidential and kept within the Admin Team.
We all consider your Donations as your property which you have donated to others so we do understand if you don’t want them sold, please do not worry about voicing your opinion, we value the fact you have donated and will not be annoyed or anything.
Thank you again to all of you for your support ❤️
