Help Us To Reach More People

We need the help of all our supporters, to help us to spread the word about our work.

Please can we ask you all to share posts from our website ( on all of your social media outlets and blogs (if you have them).

Please also connect with us on social media as follows

Please also share our social pages with your friends/family/followers, and help us to spread the word about the work we do. This in turn will allow us to help more people when they really need us the most

Just Giving Update

We would like to thank all of those who have generously given to our cause through our just giving account, which has raised a massive £517.50.

We are currently in talks with Eastleigh Borough Council regarding a possible storage facility, and this money will be going towards the running costs for that (such as rates, electric etc).

Although this is the end of the Just Giving campaign, we will still need to continue to raise funds towards ongoing the costs involved in running our work, and paying the monthly bills. This will now go through our website, to enable us to keep better records, and access the funds much more quickly.

Thanks to your support, we have had a great start to our work, and we hope you will continue to show your support going forward, with our new fundraising initiatives.

Help Us To Reach More People

We need the help of all our supporters, to help us to spread the word about our work.

Please can we ask you all to share posts from our website ( on all of your social media outlets and blogs (if you have them).

Please also connect with us on social media as follows

Please also share our social pages with your friends/family/followers, and help us to spread the word about the work we do. This in turn will allow us to help more people when they really need us the most

Emergency Case

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we have been able to assist in providing a lady going into a refuge, with emergency clothing, shoes and toiletries, which we will be delivering tomorrow morning.

We are glad to be working with the refuges, and able to respond as quickly as we have to requests like this, and wish this lady a much brighter New Life

Volunteers Needed

We need more volunteers to help us with our work. This could be collecting/moving items to our storage sites, assisting with deliveries to clients, or fund/awareness raising.

If you feel you would be able to help us in any capacity, please fill out our Volunteer Application at

Want to have your say on how we are run?

We are now offering everyone the chance to become a member of New Life Domestic.

As a member, not only will you get to vote on any big decisions facing the organisation, be provided a quarterly update on how we are doing, and get discount on items in our shop, but, more importantly, you will be helping to fund our ongoing work to help the survivors of domestic abuse.

We are now at an important cross roads as an organisation, and we need to be able to secure a regular, predictable, monthly income, so that we are able to cover costs such as business rates and electricity costs on storage facilities, as well as insurance costs, to protect our volunteers, clients and stock.

To do this we are offering a number of different membership packages for you to choose from here

Each membership level offers our members a vote on all big decisions that will shape our work going forwards, and a quarterly update from us on the work we are doing, and the state of our business, but as an extra thank you we also offer the following discount levels in our online shop.

Bronze – 2% off
Silver – 3% off
Gold – 5% off
Platinum – 10% off

Further information is available at, if you have any further questions, please email us at, and we will be happy to answer you

Want to have your say on how we are run?

We are now offering everyone the chance to become a member of New Life Domestic.

As a member, not only will you get to vote on any big decisions facing the organisation, be provided a quarterly update on how we are doing, and get discount on items in our shop, but, more importantly, you will be helping to fund our ongoing work to help the survivors of domestic abuse.

We are now at an important cross roads as an organisation, and we need to be able to secure a regular, predictable, monthly income, so that we are able to cover costs such as business rates and electricity costs on storage facilities, as well as insurance costs, to protect our volunteers, clients and stock.

To do this we are offering a number of different membership packages for you to choose from here

Each membership level offers our members a vote on all big decisions that will shape our work going forwards, and a quarterly update from us on the work we are doing, and the state of our business, but as an extra thank you we also offer the following discount levels in our online shop.

Bronze – 2% off
Silver – 3% off
Gold – 5% off
Platinum – 10% off

Further information is available at, if you have any further questions, please email us at, and we will be happy to answer you